Bulging Discs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

If you've been experiencing back pain or discomfort, you may have heard the term "bulging disc" before. A bulging disc occurs when the soft, jelly-like substance inside a spinal disc protrudes through a crack in the outer layer of the disc. This can cause pressure on nearby nerves, leading to pain and other symptoms.

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of a bulging disc. These include:

  • Age: As we age, the spinal discs lose some of their water content, making them less flexible and more prone to damage.

  • Injury: Trauma or repetitive strain can cause damage to the spinal discs.

  • Genetics: Some people may be more prone to disc problems due to their genes.

Symptoms of a bulging disc can vary depending on the location of the affected disc. Common symptoms include:

  • Back pain or neck pain

  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs

  • Muscle weakness

  • Difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time

  • Headaches

If you suspect you may have a bulging disc, it's important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis. In some cases, imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment options for a bulging disc vary depending on the severity of the symptoms. Conservative treatments may include rest, physical therapy, and medications to manage pain and inflammation. In some cases, spinal decompression therapy may be recommended to help relieve pressure on the affected disc.

Geoff Huls, a chiropractor in Tucson, offers specific chiropractic adjustments as a non-invasive treatment option for bulging discs. Chiropractic adjustments involve gently manipulating the spine to help improve alignment and relieve pressure on the affected disc. This can help reduce pain and other symptoms and promote healing.

Spinal decompression is another treatment option that may be recommended by a chiropractor for bulging discs. This therapy involves using a traction table to gently stretch the spine and create negative pressure within the affected disc. This can help reduce pressure on the affected nerve and promote healing.

In conclusion, a bulging disc can be a painful and debilitating condition, but there are treatment options available. If you are experiencing symptoms of a bulging disc, it's important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and to discuss your treatment options. Chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression therapy may be effective non-invasive treatment options for some patients. Contact Geoff Huls, a chiropractor in Tucson, to discuss your options for treating your bulging disc.